If the injury is spurting blood, apply pressure and call for an ambulance immediately. Follow the instructions of the emergency line operator.
Apply pressure to the cut(s) with a clean cloth that will not get fluff in the wound (e.g. a strip cut off a shirt). For shallow cuts or scratches apply even pressure for 5 minutes or until bleeding stops. For deeper cuts apply pressure for 7-10 minutes. If bleeding does not stop after 10 minutes of even pressure (no peaking) go to A&E/the ER. If you cannot get yourself to A&E/the ER call an for an ambulance.
If blood is spurting from a cut (like a fountain) you have hit an artery. The bleeding may stop for a moment and then start again. You can bleed to death from arterial bleeding very quickly and it cannot be trated at home. Call for an ambulance immedatly and follow the instructions of the emergency dispatcher. Symptoms of arterial bleeding include;